Kochkurs, Ayurveda, Vegan, Schladming, Hotel, brunner, Gasthaus, privat


Servus & Namasté bei uns im Boutiquehotel und Gasthaus brunner (Sonntag Ruhetag).


Events at the brunner. Experience yourself anew ...

….at events in the heart of Schladming. We love to socialise with our guests, with friends and with new acquaintances. Being with others is balm for the soul. At regular events and happenings such as info evenings on nutrition, yoga, sport, mental strength and many other themes. At concerts in the guest garden or in our restaurant and at private views. We nourish your heart and soul with an abundance of warm sentiment. You will also find current events on our info board in the lobby and in our regular newsletters. So feel free to pop in if you’re curious about our special musical and culinary experiences.

Be open. Come along. Experience yourself anew! At events in your hotel in the centre of Schladming.

Cinema, concerts … for our guests

It provides space for a host of vibrant cultural events. Films, live concerts, readings, lectures: here you’ll find inspiration for your leisure time. When you take a holiday at the brunner, all events in the Klangfilmtheater during this period are included.

Allow us to inspire you!
