Gasthaus Restaurant brunner SchladmingGastgarten Hotel brunner SchladmingBoutiquehotel mit Gasthaus und Bar in Schladming ÖsterreichStadthotel, Gasthaus Brunner, Bar in Schladming


Servus & Namasté bei uns im Boutiquehotel und Gasthaus brunner (Sonntag Ruhetag).


Indulge all your senses!

For many years the brunner name has been synonymous with superb cuisine – and naturally we haven’t let our standards drop at the new Stadthotel brunner. With boundless curiosity for good things from around the globe, we have augmented our regional specialities with Ayurvedic and basic dishes. This means you can enjoy healthy fare that meets the supreme quality standards for which the brunner is renowned. At our buffet breakfast not only can special requests be communicated directly to the kitchen – you can also rest assured there will be healthy basic fare. We also pamper you between meals with superb quality food: à la carte or at midday with to-go options that change regularly.

Pamper your taste buds!

brunner 2GO

From Monday to Friday we also indulge you with culinary delights for the office or to eat at home. All you have to do is call before 10.00. Then choose between two dishes (vegetarian or with meat) and pick up your order from the restaurant.
For as long as supplies last.

Opening times

brunners Gasthaus & Bar & Lounge
From 09.00 am to 11.00 pm
Kitchen from 11.30 am to 02.00 pm | 06.00 pm to 09.00 pm
(Restdays please see startpage)


We’re always happy to respond to telephone enquiries regarding table reservations, occasions such as birthday and marriage parties, etc. Restaurant 70 seats, guest garden 50 seats.
Tel. +43 (0) 3687 22513

Bar & wine cellar

The evening belongs to you!
After work, aprés ski or simply to wind down: our bar with the attached lounge 1919 is the ideal place to round off your day. With the atmospheric light reflected in the bar’s glass tiles, your everyday concerns will seem light years away. Simply sit back and relax. Reflect on the great time you’re having. Rejoice! The evening is only just getting started!

Ayurveda, Kochkurs, Schladming, Woche, Urlaub, Reinigung

Cookery courses

Get ready for some hot tips!
When it comes to food, we attach great importance to exceptional quality and superb taste. The right nutrition also plays a key role in overall well-being. We offer regular cookery courses so that you can prepare Ayurvedic, basic and, of course, our traditional food at home too. Our courses are open to all but can also be booked for specific groups. Learn from the pros and take the ability to create delicious food back home with you!


  • Local salmon trout
  • Beef goulash
  • Boiled silverside
  • Apfelstrudel

The quickest way to a person's heart is through their stomach. And at the brunner this is something we've known for decades. We love good food and creating a convivial ambience. We have intimate links with Austria's culinary traditions, with hearty beef goulash, boiled silverside and airy and sweet Kaiserschmarr’n. In fact, traditional fare is our forte and we will continue to live up to the high quality standards we've set.

Gasthaus, Gut-bürgerlich, Österreichisch, steirisch, Tafelspitz, Schladming


  • Basic vegetable soup
  • Fermented dishes
  • Curries
  • Tofu, seitan and lupin dishes

Yin and Yang – everything is in balance. In Chinese dietetics the emphasis is on acids and bases in the five elements of fire, earth, water, wood and metal. The right acid-base balance means a healthy individual. Nutrition helps to foster and maintain this harmony. In the same way that notes harmonise to create melodies whose soothing, joyful sounds touch our emotions, basic nutrition composes foodstuffs into a harmonious whole.


  • Rice dishes
  • Chapatis (thin wholemeal flatbreads)
  • Dal (dish made from pulses)
  • Chutney
  • Sabji (gravy-based vegetable dish)

Earth, water, fire, air and ether. In Ayurvedic philosophy these are the five building blocks of the world. All these elements must be balanced out to achieve harmony and oneness. Ayurveda, which means "knowledge of life", is a holistic philosophy from India that achieves harmony between all five elements.
The Ayurvedic philosophy focuses in particular on activating the individual's powers of self-healing. Each person is different and has entirely individual physical, spiritual and mental characteristics that are divided into different doshas (constitution types). In our restaurant we offer the appropriate dishes for each dosha which support, energise and achieve balance. A wide variety of spices, taste notes and the interplay of vividly coloured ingredients make Vedic cuisine an extraordinarily sensual experience to be savoured at length.

Ayurveda, Küche, Kochkurs, Gasthaus, Slow Food, Schladming, vegan